Key Takeaways:
- There are 44 states (plus the District of Columbia) with campaign finance disclosure requirements due in January 2023. If your PAC or candidate committee is registered in one of these states and are required to file disclosure reports, you must do so in January.
- Political committees should understand their filing schedules and frequency of reporting so as not to miss a required report.
In January, 44 states and the District of Columbia have campaign finance disclosure deadlines. If a PAC or candidate committee is registered in one of these states and is required to file disclosure reports, they must do so in January. Check out the map below for the states with important deadlines this month.

Political committees should be aware of their filing schedules as some states, like Texas, give the option of reporting monthly rather than periodically or quarterly. Additionally, some of these deadlines include 24- or 48-hour reports in which a political committee must report large contributions within a set time frame of receipt. Political committees should be reviewing contributions carefully to ensure they do not miss a required contribution-triggered deadline.
Are you running a political committee and not sure what your compliance requirements are? We can help. Don’t miss critical reporting deadlines — reach out to our team with questions.