Issue to Watch: State Immigration Policy
February 13, 2025 | Sarah Doyle
State | Bill Number | Summary |
CA | SB 30 | Prohibits the state from awarding or renewing any contract with any person that is providing or has provided goods or services to the federal government for the construction of a federally funded wall along California’s southern border. |
CA | AB 946 | Prohibits the boards of the Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) and the State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalTERS) from making new investments or renewing existing investments in a border wall construction company. Would also require the boards to liquidate investments in a border wall construction company within the next 12 months. |
AZ | HB 2446 | Identifies all companies bidding on the border wall project as "scrutinized companies," and prohibits the state from entering into any new contrats with said "scutinized companies." Mandates that the state retirement fund must "sell, redeem, divest or withdraw all publicly traded securities of a scrutinized company," and may not acquire securities of a scrutinized company until the company is no longer listed as such. |
IL | HB 6628 | Prohibits a state agency from entering into a contract subject to the code with a business that contracts with the federal government to build a wall along the border of Mexico and the United States of America. |
NY | AB 6595 / SB 5405 | Bars companies working on the construction of the border wall from contracting with any businesses or investing in any public funds or assets within New York State. |
RI | HB 5505 | Prohibits the state investment commission from investing in any companies that are involved in the construction of a border wall between the United States and Mexico. |
WI | LRB-2356 | Prohibits the state of Wisconsin from investing in companies that enter into a contract with the federal government to build President Trump’s proposed border wall (Executive Order 13767). |
Jurisdiction | Ordinance Number | Summary |
San Francisco | 170295 | Prohibits the city government from contracting with companies who bid on contracts or contract with the Federal Government to provide services or goods to construct the border wall referenced in Executive Order No. 13767. |
Berkeley | 67,865–N.S. | Denounces the presidential executive order to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and recommends that the city of Berkeley divest from any companies involved in the construction of a border wall. |
Oakland | 16-0697 | Denounces the January 25, 2017 executive order titled "Border Security and Immigration Enforcement," and directs the city administrator - in instances where there is no significant additional cost, to be defined in regulations, or conflict with law - to refrain from entering into new or amended contracts to purchase professional, technical, scientific or financial services, goods, construction labor and materials or other services, or supplies from businesses that enter into contracts to provide such services, goods, materials or supplies to build the U.S.-Mexico border wall. |
L.A. | 17-0538 | Directs prospective and existing contractors with the city of Los Angeles to disclose under affidavit whether they have any contracts for design, construction, supply, procurement, or other development related services regarding building any proposed border wall between Mexico and the United States of America. |
Santa Cruz | 2017-06 | Details the human rights, environmental impact, and economic problems with the presidential executive order to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and recommends that the city of Santa Cruz divest from any companies involved in the construction of a border wall. |
February 13, 2025 | Sarah Doyle
July 2, 2024 | Ben Seitelman
April 25, 2023 | Bill Kramer